Prof. Dr. Guido Salvaneschi
Head of the Programming Group
I’m a (tenured) Associate Professor at the University of St.Gallen from September 2020. Before, I have been an assistant professor at TU Darmstadt, where I led the Reactive Software Systems group.
School of Computer Science, Office 64-114, Torstrasse 25, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Postdoctoral Researchers
Dr. Pascal Weisenburger
My current research focuses on the design of languages for distributed systems with a wide range of software architectures – e.g., peer-to-peer, cloud, edge, serverless, IoT – regarding sound programming models for the interaction between components, their composition, privacy protection issues, type systems for reasoning about the placement of data and computation.
School of Computer Science, Torstrasse 25, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Doctoral Researchers
MSc Nafise Eskandani
I am a part-time PhD student at the Technical University of Darmstadt and an Associate Scientist at ABB Corporate Research Center. My research interests include Cloud Computing, Software Engineering, and Software Architecture. Currently, I am working on programming models for decentralized and resilient systems.
Wallstadter Str. 59, 68526 Ladenburg, Germany
MSc Mirko Köhler
I work on programming abstractions for replicated data. Currently, I'm the main contributor to ConSysT, an object-oriented language for mixed consistency with replicated objects. My research interests include concurrency, mixed consistency protocols, and type systems.
Hochschulstr. 10, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany
MSc Daniel Sokolowski
I am interested in distributed systems and cloud technology from a Programming Languages and Software Engineering perspective. At the moment, I mainly focus on advanced solutions for DevOps leveraging Infrastructure as Code.
School of Computer Science, Torstrasse 25, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
MSc George Zakhour
I am a PhD student at the Programming Group since August 2021. Before I was an R&D software developer at Agilent Technologies. My research interests are the formal study of programming languages, mathematical logic (and its relation to programming), quantum computation from the perspective of computability and complexity, and numerical simulations.
School of Computer Science, Torstrasse 25, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
MSc Benyamin Delshad Mamaghani
I was a PhD student in the Programming Group from October 2020 until March 2022 at the University of St. Gallen. My research interests include Programming Languages and Software Engineering. I worked on consistency problems in programming.
School of Computer Science, Torstrasse 25, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland